398 research outputs found

    Interpreting the MMPI-2 K scale: Self-deception and impression management revisited.

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    Factor-analytic studies have revealed two underlying content dimensions of socially desirable responding: self-deception and impression management (Nichols & Greene, 1997; Paulhus, 1984, 1986). The K validity scale of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (Butcher et al., 1989) has been associated with the self-deception factor without adequate empirical confirmation. The present study addressed this deficiency by examining the scale within Paulhus\u27s (1984, 1986) two-component model of socially desirable responding. Participants were 712 undergraduate students (174 men, 538 women) from a medium-sized Canadian university who volunteered for partial course credit. As predicted, a two-factor model was found to underlie various measures of socially desirable responding. The MMPI-2 K scale and the Social Desirability Scale (Edwards, 1963) loaded on the self-deception factor, whereas the Impression Management scale (BIDR; Paulhus, 1991), the Eysenck Personality Inventory Lie scale, and the Self-Deceptive Enhancement scale (BIDR; Paulhus, 1991) loaded on the impression management factor. The results and discussion center on the interpretation of the K scale as a measure of self-deception in non-clinical populations. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 39-02, page: 0606. Adviser: Kenneth Cramer. Thesis (M.A.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2000

    An Unobserved Components Approach to Separating Land from Structure in Property Prices: A Case Study for the City of Brisbane

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    The study develops a spatio-temporal model of hedonic pricing that explicitly separates the land and the structure components of property prices. This is illustrated with a dataset for Brisbane, Australia, constructed by combining commercial real estate, local government databases and GIS-based spatial analyzes. The land component of prices has increased from 42% in 2000 to 66% in 2010. This has implications for a broad range of planning and policy issues, including property tax rates, town planning, and options for climate adaptations.

    Assessing interpersonal dominance and affiliation on the Thematic Apperception Test: The development and validation of two orthogonal scales.

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    The Interpersonal Circumplex Model (ICM; Freedman et al., 1951; Leary, 1957), a circular representation of interpersonal behaviour, identifies the components of interpersonal dominance and affiliation that underlie social interactions. The present study addresses the deficiency of psychometric scales to measure interpersonal constructs on the TAT by developing the Interpersonal Dominance and Affiliation TAT Scales. Twenty-five undergraduate students rated 100 sample TAT stories for the level of interpersonal dominance and affiliation depicted. Reliability analyses of these ratings were then utilized to empirically establish anchor points for the interpersonal TAT scales. Preliminary validity of the scales was further evaluated in a sample of 57 undergraduates. Results showed that the Interpersonal Dominance TAT Scale correlated significantly with the self-report (r = .40) and peer-report of interpersonal dominance (r = .33), as well as masculinity (r = .27). The Interpersonal Affiliation TAT Scale correlated significantly with self-report of interpersonal affiliation (r = .27), impression management (r = .51), and femininity (r = .30). The discussion centers on the relationship of interpersonal variables assessed across measurement domains and future applications of the interpersonal TAT scales.Dept. of Psychology. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2003 .C66. Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 64-08, Section: B, page: 4103. Adviser: Stephen Hibbard. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2003

    The measurement and analysis of age-related changes in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Aging is characterized by progressive degenerative changes in tissue organization and function that increase the probability of mortality. Major goals of aging research include elucidating the series of events that cause degenerative changes and analyzing environmental and genetic factors that modulate these changes. The basis for mechanistic studies of aging are accurate and precise descriptions of age-related changes, since these descriptions define the aging phenotype. Here we review studies that describe age-related changes in C. elegans including measurements of integrated functions such as behavior, microscopic analyses of tissue organization, and biochemical studies of macromolecules. Genetic and environmental factors that influence these changes are described, and studies that analyze the relationships between different age-related changes are discussed. Together these studies provide fundamental insights into aging in C. elegans that may be relevant to aging in other animals

    Microbiological evaluation of the ability of the DEKO-190 Washer/Disinfector to remove Clostridium difficile spores from bedpan surfaces

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    BACKGROUND: Clostridium difficile is a major nosocomial pathogen causing mild diarrhoea to life-threatening pseudomembranous colitis, and its spores frequently contaminate hospital environments and equipment. Washer/Disinfectors (WDs) are commonly used to clean and decontaminate soiled equipment in health care facilities. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the DEKO-190 WD in removing C. difficile spores from bedpans. METHODS: Plastic carriers were inoculated with suspensions of C. difficile spores in autoclaved (sterile) human faeces. The carriers were then taped to a sterile plastic bedpan which was subjected to short, long or intensive wash cycles in the WD using one of two test detergents: Formula A (generic) and Formula B (highly alkaline). Mean log10 reductions in spores were calculated for each wash cycle. RESULTS: Mean log10 reductions were 3.21(SEM ± 0.20) and 2.82 (±0.13) for Formula A and B, respectively, for the short cycle. The mean log10 reductions using the long wash cycle were 3.65 (±0.44) using Formula A and 5.30 (±0.43) using Formula B, while log10 reductions were 3.37 (±0.58) (Formula A) and 4.64 (±0.47) (Formula B) for the intensive cycle. Washing with the DEKO-190 significantly reduced spore concentrations on carrier surfaces on a bedpan. Spore counts were most effectively reduced when carriers were washed on a long or intensive wash cycle using an alkaline detergent

    Improving Communication between Doctors and Parents after Newborn Screening

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    Background: Newborn screening (NBS) enables early treatment, and some consider it a natural vehicle for genetic screening. Bioethicists argue for caution since families of infants with carrier status can develop psychosocial complications. This paper describes the methods and feasibility of Wisconsin’s statewide project for quality improvement of communication and psychosocial outcomes after NBS. Methods: When NBS identifies carrier status for cystic fibrosis or sickle cell, we contact primary care providers (PCPs), answer questions, and invite them to rehearse informing the parents. Three months later, we telephone the parents, assess knowledge and psychosocial outcomes, provide counseling, and assist with self-referral to further resources. Afterward, evaluation surveys are provided to the parents, to be returned anonymously. Results: Birthing facilities provided accurate PCP names for 73% of 817 infants meeting inclusion criteria; we identified PCPs for 21% more. We reached 47.3% of PCPs in time to invite a rehearsal; 60% of these accepted. We successfully called 50.2% of eligible parents; 61% recalled a PCP explanation, and 48.5% evaluated the explanation favorably. Evaluations by parents with limited health literacy were less favorable. Conclusion: It is feasible to follow parents for psychosocial outcomes after NBS. Preliminary data about communication is mixed, but further data will describe psychosocial outcomes and investigate outcomes’ associations with communication

    The validity of the brief version of the Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale.

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    The Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale [FNE; J. Consult. Clin. Psychol. 33 (1969) 448] is a commonly used measure of social anxiety. A brief version of the scale (FNEB) is available for convenient administration. Despite being widely advocated for use, the psychometric properties of the FNEB have not been evaluated with clinically anxious samples. The present study addressed the reliability and validity of the FNEB in a clinical sample of individuals with either social phobia (n = 82) or panic disorder (n = 99) presenting for treatment. Factor analysis supported the construct validity of the FNEB. The validity of the FNEB was further demonstrated through significant correlations with social avoidance and depression, and non-significant correlations with agoraphobic avoidance and demographic variables. The scale obtained excellent inter-item reliability (alpha = .97) and 2-week test-retest reliability (r = .94). Discriminant function analysis also supported validity of the FNEB. For example, individuals with social phobia scored significantly higher on the FNEB than those with panic disorder and a group of non-psychiatric community controls (n = 30). The FNEB was sensitive to pre- to post-CBT changes in both social anxiety and panic disorder, and changes on the FNEB correlated significantly with other measures of treatment responsiveness, such as reductions in somatic arousal, depression and other anxiety symptomatology. These research findings strongly support the validity of the FNEB and its clinical utility as an outcome measure in social anxiety treatment

    Gaps in accessing treatment for anxiety and depression: challenges for the delivery of care.

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    Epidemiological studies have identified high prevalence rates of anxiety and depression in North America [e.g., J. of Nerv. Ment. Dis. 182 (1994) 290]. However, only a small percentage of these individuals access effective treatment. The undertreatment of anxiety and depression is a major public health issue and is associated with significant personal, social, and economic burden. This article describes the existing discrepancy between prevalence of anxiety and depression and access to effective treatment for adults and children, the contributors to this discrepancy, and suggests various means through which access to effective treatment may be enhanced. We begin with a brief overview of the prevalence and associated personal, societal, and systemic burdens of anxiety and depression. This is followed by a review of current rates of access to treatment and possible individual, provider, and systemic barriers to accessing treatment. Recommendations for bridging the gap between the high rates of these disorders and limited accessibility of effective care are then presented

    A Method to Assess the Organizing Behaviors Used in Physicians\u27 Counseling of Standardized Parents after Newborn Genetic Screening

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    Well-organized conversation can improve people’s ability to comprehend and retain information. As part of a long-term effort to adapt Quality Improvement techniques for communication, we developed an explicit criteria method to assess usage of three organizing behaviors (OBs): ‘opening behaviors’ to establish goals; ‘structuring behaviors’ to guide patients through conversation; and ‘emphasizing behaviors’ that signal a need for attention. Pairs of abstractors independently reviewed transcripts in a demonstration sample of conversations between physicians and standardized parents after newborn screening identifies carrier status for sickle cell disease. Criteria for at least one OB were identified in 50/84 transcripts (60%), including 27 with at least one opening behavior (32%), 5 with at least one structuring behavior (6%), and 38 with at least one emphasizing behavior (45%). The limited number of OBs raises concern about communication after newborn screening. Assessment and improvement of OB usage may improve understanding and allow parents to more actively participate in health care

    The Anticonvulsant Ethosuximide Disrupts Sensory Function to Extend C. elegans Lifespan

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    Ethosuximide is a medication used to treat seizure disorders in humans, and we previously demonstrated that ethosuximide can delay age-related changes and extend the lifespan of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. The mechanism of action of ethosuximide in lifespan extension is unknown, and elucidating how ethosuximide functions is important for defining endogenous processes that influence lifespan and for exploring the potential of ethosuximide as a therapeutic for age-related diseases. To identify genes that mediate the activity of ethosuximide, we conducted a genetic screen and identified mutations in two genes, che-3 and osm-3, that cause resistance to ethosuximide-mediated toxicity. Mutations in che-3 and osm-3 cause defects in overlapping sets of chemosensory neurons, resulting in defective chemosensation and an extended lifespan. These findings suggest that ethosuximide extends lifespan by inhibiting the function of specific chemosensory neurons. This model is supported by the observation that ethosuximide-treated animals displayed numerous phenotypic similarities with mutants that have chemosensory defects, indicating that ethosuximide inhibits chemosensory function. Furthermore, ethosuximide extends lifespan by inhibiting chemosensation, since the long-lived osm-3 mutants were resistant to the lifespan extension caused by ethosuximide. These studies demonstrate a novel mechanism of action for a lifespan-extending drug and indicate that sensory perception has a critical role in controlling lifespan. Sensory perception also influences the lifespan of Drosophila, suggesting that sensory perception has an evolutionarily conserved role in lifespan control. These studies highlight the potential of ethosuximide and related drugs that modulate sensory perception to extend lifespan in diverse animals
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